Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX micro ATX
Long product name Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX micro ATX
The long product name of Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX micro ATX. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "ShortDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongProductName" tag in JSON.
Intel® Desktop Board D845GVSR
Short summary description Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX micro ATX:
This short summary of the Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX micro ATX data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX, 400 MHz, DDR-SDRAM, 0.25 GB, micro ATX, ATX, 5 - 45 °C
Long summary description Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX micro ATX:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX micro ATX based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Intel SEABREEZE S478 I845GV MATX. Processor system buses supported: 400 MHz. Supported memory types: DDR-SDRAM, Internal memory: 0.25 GB. Motherboard form factor: micro ATX, Power source type: ATX. Controller interface type: SMSC LPC47M172 LPC bus I/O controller or National Semiconductor PC87372 LPC Bus I/O controller, Audio output: Audio subsystem for AC '97 processing, Graphics controller: Intel Extreme Graphics controller. Expansion slots: Three PCI bus add-in card connectors (SMBus routed to PCI bus connector 2)