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HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer

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The general trademark of a manufacturer by which the consumer knows its products. A manufacturer can have multiple brand names. Some manufacturers license their brand names to other producers.
HP Check ‘HP’ global rank
Product name:
Product name is a brand's identification of a product, often a model name, but not totally unique as it can include some product variants. Product name is a key part of the Icecat product title on a product data-sheet.
PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer
Product code:
The brand's unique identifier for a product. Multiple product codes can be mapped to one mother product data-sheet if the specifications are identical. We map away wrong codes or sometimes logistic variants.
A multifunctional is really an all-in-one device; it is both a scanner and a printer, and often even has a fax function. So effectively it's a copier, but one that has the scanning and printing functions available separately. All this is a great advantage when you have limited office space. Moreover, you will be able to work faster and more efficiently by using the device's convenient special functions.
Multifunction Printers Check ‘HP’ global rank
Icecat Product ID:
The Icecat Product ID is the unique Icecat number identifying a product in Icecat. This number is used to retrieve or push data regarding a product's datasheet. Click the number to copy the link.
Data-sheet quality: created by HP
The quality of the product data-sheet can be on several levels:
only logistic data imported: we have only basic data imported from a supplier, a data-sheet is not yet created by an editor.
created by HP: a data-sheet is imported from an official source from a manufacturer. But the data-sheet is not yet standardized by an Icecat editor.
created/standardized by Icecat: the data-sheet is created or standardized by an Icecat editor.
Product views: 92084
This statistic is based on the 97136 using ecommerce sites (eshops, distributors, comparison sites, ecommerce ASPs, purchase systems, etc) downloading this Icecat data-sheet. Only sponsoring brands are included in the free Open Icecat content distribution as used by 94642 free Open Icecat users.
Info modified on: 13 Jul 2023 01:02:16
The date of the most recent change of this product data-sheet in Icecat.
Warranty: 1 year limited hardwarebacked by HP Customer Care, Service and Support
Long product name HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer :
The long product name of HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "ShortDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongProductName" tag in JSON.

Wireless 802.11b or Ethernet connectivity, 6.4 cm colour LCD, borderless printing, built-in memory card slots, stand-alone flatbed fax functionality, HP Photo & Imaging software, video action and video frame print through software, ExifPrint 2.2, automatic paper-type sensor
HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer:
The official description of HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer as supplied by the manufacturer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "LongDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongDesc" tag in JSON.

This breakthrough all-in-one is a fully networkable device complete with built-in wireless capability which enables sharing of its many advanced tools, including true-to-life photo quality printing and digital camera memory card slots.

Short summary description HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer:
This short summary of the HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.

HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer

Long summary description HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer:
This is an auto-generated long summary of HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.

HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer

Source Testseek summary Average rating
2013-08-31 01:08:52
Uk has collected 4 expert reviews for HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer and the average expert rating is 78 of 100. The average score reflects the expert community’s view on this product. Click below and use Uk to see all ratings, product awards and conclusions.
Source Review comments Score
2013-08-31 01:08:51
Locate the printer anywhere you like in the vicinity, it print, it works- no ADF or transparancies but you can’t have it all for this price.
2013-08-31 01:08:52
The absolute epitome of feature-packed, the number of inclusions on this unit floored us. Its whopping 162 point feature score is over one-and-a-half times the average point score and comes on the back of its big feature line up.