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Long product name HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer
Wireless 802.11b or Ethernet connectivity, 6.4 cm colour LCD, borderless printing, built-in memory card slots, stand-alone flatbed fax functionality, HP Photo & Imaging software, video action and video frame print through software, ExifPrint 2.2, automatic paper-type sensor
The long product name of HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "ShortDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongProductName" tag in JSON.
Wireless 802.11b or Ethernet connectivity, 6.4 cm colour LCD, borderless printing, built-in memory card slots, stand-alone flatbed fax functionality, HP Photo & Imaging software, video action and video frame print through software, ExifPrint 2.2, automatic paper-type sensor
HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer:
The official description of HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer as supplied by the manufacturer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "LongDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongDesc" tag in JSON.
This breakthrough all-in-one is a fully networkable device complete with built-in wireless capability which enables sharing of its many advanced tools, including true-to-life photo quality printing and digital camera memory card slots.
Short summary description HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer:
This short summary of the HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer
Long summary description HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer:
This is an auto-generated long summary of HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
HP PSC 2510 Photosmart All-in-One Printer