Long product name Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages
OPC-Belt cartridge up to 60000 images A4
The long product name of Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "ShortDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongProductName" tag in JSON.
OPC-Belt cartridge up to 60000 images A4
Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages:
The official description of Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages as supplied by the manufacturer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "LongDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongDesc" tag in JSON.
The OPC Belt Cartridge will print up to 60,000 images when printing on A4/Letter sized paper. When you see the REPLACE OPC BELT error message on the LCD panel, you should order a new OPC Belt cartridge from your Brother reseller as it is about to reach the end of its life.
Short summary description Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages:
This short summary of the Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Brother OP-3CL, 60000 pages
Long summary description Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Brother OP-3CL printer belt 60000 pages based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Brother OP-3CL. Page yield: 60000 pages