Distribute rich media to the channel
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Distribute all your Rich Media to the Channel

The online use of rich media to promote or describe products has grown exponentially in recent years. End customers need access to this rich media in order to better understand the benefits of your products and services which will in turn influence their buying decisions. For this reason, thousands of manufacturers are creating product videos, animations and 3D/360 degree views to showcase their technology and provide valuable information to buyers in an interactive fashion.

As a manufacturer, how can you address the challenge of providing your worldwide partners with such rich media assets in a timely manner?
The answer is simple, via the rich media service of Open Icecat. From this platform manufacturers can offer a one-click solution for optimizing and distributing online rich media to all your channel partners worldwide. Rich media is added to basic product data, text and pictures. Rich media enriches the online shopping experience allowing the online buyer to feel confident and informed when making purchase decisions.

Open Icecat rich media service

The rich media of Open Icecat supports the following interactive media assets:
  • Graphics
  • Product videos
  • Show cases
  • Flash Demos
  • 360 degrees product shots
  • Virtual, 3D product tours
  • Animations
  • Audio
  • (Interactive) user manuals
  • Product tests
  • Product ratings
  • Feature-logos
  • Product Stories (mini-sites)
  • Any other digital media asset

Unique free channel service

Icecat is the only worldwide content provider that distributes your rich media free of charge to all of your channel partners (merchants, retailers and web portals). The available rich media assets are fully integrated into the free Open Icecat feeds. Once connected, tens of thousands channel partners using Icecat can automatically import all of the included rich media assets. The rich media is also made available to all your channel partners not yet connected to Icecat.

Channel partners auto-import the Open Icecat Rich Media

Your channel partners do not have the time, budget or knowledge to integrate all of your available rich media assets, nor to create interfaces with separate video providers. Partners want one easy to integrate source where all rich media assets are included in their standard content feed. The Open Icecat content feed includes your rich media assets and is also completely free of charge for your channel partners, whether connected to Icecat or not.
  • Free of charge rich media product content:
    All your worldwide channel partners can get your Rich Media assets for free.
  • Included in Open Icecat
    Rich Media is included in the Open Icecat feed
  • Just in Time (JIT) updates
    New Rich Media will be directly included in the Open Icecat feed
  • Exclusive approach
    When needed, the rich media assets can also be made available only to an exclusive selection of channel partners.
Käytämme evästeitä jotta voimme antaa sinulle parhaan kokemuksen sivuillamme. Jos jatkat tämän sivuston käyttöä, oletamme että hyväksyt ne.